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Meeting Agenda’s & Monthly Minutes


Pursuant to the Sunshine Act, Act 65 amends Section 709 of the Sunshine Act,1 which relates to public notice. In addition to the current public notice requirements, an agency must now post an agenda to its website that details each matter of agency business that will be or may be the subject of agency deliberation or official action at the meeting.  The posting must be done no later than 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Requests to be added to Heidelberg Township Board of Supervisor’s Meeting Agenda’s must be done by the Friday before the scheduled meeting date which can be made via phone, email to the Township Secretary, or in person at the Township office.  The Township will make the effort to post the agenda by the Monday before the scheduled Board of Supervisors meeting.

REGULAR MEETINGS of the Board of Supervisors of Heidelberg Township, York County, Pennsylvania, for the calendar year 2024, will be held at 6:00 o’clock P.M., prevailing time, at the Porters Fire Company, 1199 Porters Rd., Spring Grove, PA 17362, on the first Wednesday of each month until further notice. 

PA Sunshine Act

Meeting and Video Links

Zoom Meeting Share Link

September 6, 2023 | Video (MP4) 

 March 1, 2023 |  Heidelbergpa Sharepoint 

Expired Links

August 2. 2023 | Video (MP4)

July 12, 2023 |  Video (MP4)

June 7, 2023 | Heidelbergpa Sharepoint

May 3, 2023 | Heidelbergpa Sharepoint   

Township Agendas & Meeting Minutes

Browse the lists below to view/download the latest agendas and minutes

Board of Supervisors

Planning Commission

Water Committee

Zoning Hearing Board

Parks & Recreation
