- Communications posted by visitors on this site may not contain ethnic slurs or profanity; material that is harassing, bullying, inciting threats of violence, defamatory, fraudulent, deceptive, misleading, discriminatory or sexually explicit, or any material that infringes copyright, trademark or other intellectual property rights. Any such communications may be hidden or deleted at any time without notice to you. Visitors repeatedly posting material that falls into the aforementioned categories will be banned from participating on this community page.
- If your comment on the site is illegal, obscene, abusive, defamatory, threatening, abuse of intellectual property rights, or otherwise offensive, graphically or in tone, we reserve the right to flag your account and to hide or delete any content posted by you. Anyone repeatedly posting material that falls into the aforementioned categories will be banned from participating on this page.
- Comments expressed by visitors to the site do not reflect an endorsement or opinion on the part of the Township and any individual representing those organizations.
- All postings by visitors to the site may be retained by the Township Supervisors, and any individual representing that organization, in its discretion and as required by applicable law or policy.
- All postings may be subject to the Pennsylvania Right to Know Act and other public records and disclosure laws, as well as discovery in litigation. This includes, but is not limited to, information made available through a user’s privacy setting on personal social media and other internet pages.
- Visitors to the site have no expectation of privacy or confidentiality with respect to any content they post to the site, and the Township and any individual representing those organizations have no responsibility for maintaining any such privacy or confidentiality.
- Visitors to the site must comply with the terms of use and privacy policies of the site operator, and are subject to the site operator’s practices regarding the collection and retention of passive information (e.g. cookies) and other information from and about visitors.
This space is here for us to keep you informed!
**This policy may be updated or amended at any time**